Color correction In Premiere Pro CC (older 2014 version)

The following tutorial is from Adobe Premiere Pro Help  and is a useful guide to getting started with colour correction in Premiere Pro.

Adjusting color and luminance

In video, color correction encompasses adjusting both the hue (color or chroma) and luminance (brightness and contrast) in an image. Adjusting the color and luminance in video clips can create a mood, eliminate a color cast in a clip, correct video that’s too dark or too light, or set the levels to meet broadcast requirements or to match color from scene to scene. Effects can also adjust the color and luminance to emphasize or de-emphasize a detail in a clip.

You can find the color- and luminance-adjusting effects in the Color Correction bin inside the Video Effects bin. Although other effects also adjust color and luminance, the Color Correction effects are designed for making fine color and luminance corrections.

You apply the Color Correction effects to a clip the same way you apply all Standard effects. The effect properties are adjusted in the Effect Controls panel. The Color Correction effects and other color effects are clip-based. However, you can apply them to multiple clips by nesting sequences. For information about nesting sequences, see Nest sequences.

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Oblivion 2013: Behind the Scenes


Oblivion 2013: Behind the Scenes

For those of you interested in ‘behind the scenes’ footage of science fiction films, this is an interesting look at ‘Oblivion’, released in 2013. According to the site “It has detailed information about the world of “Oblivion” the shot locations, the stunts, the props, and the combination of practical and CGI effects including a stunning look at the sky tower that has an amazing 360 degree screen to capture the look of being in the clouds”.

Oblivion Behind the Scences

Oblivion Behind the Scenes

Interesting note, as mentioned above, was how the production team used a ‘surround or 360 screen’ to portray a cloudscape rather than use green/blue screen on their impressive set. The reason given is that due to all the glass and gloss of the interior, it would have been very difficult to remove ‘spill’ form a green/blue screen in post-production. So, sometimes the old-fashioned in-camera effect is the way to go. Watch out for a full-scale model of the ‘bubble’ ship – looks great!