The SLR Lounge iPhone Photo Shoot


The SLR Lounge iPhone Photo Shoot ..
Quote/Excerpt: “There is a theory out there, that it “doesn’t take expensive professional photography equipment to take great photos.” …

For this photo shoot we have set some ground rules: Continue reading

iPhone Portrait Photography Crash Course


iPhone Portrait Photography Crash Course | How to take great images with your iPhone or Cell Phone
Although produced in 2010, many of the same basic principles still apply. Also, Michael explains some of the technical considerations/limitations that need to be taken into consideration when using an iPhone/iPod or similar device to take photos!

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iPhonography: Innovation in Documentary Storytelling


iPhonography: Innovation in Documentary Storytelling

Very interesting story from photojournalist Benjamin Lowy on his career path, interests, thoughts and reflections on the art and craft of photojournalism and his adoption of the iPhone as a ‘tool’ in the armoury of visual storytelling. Highly recommended (you won’t be bored!).

Quote: “Benjamin Lowy discusses his work in conflict zones and in the U.S. He was one of the first photojournalists to use social media platforms to publish imagery and is outspoken about its potential as a non-traditional venue for journalism.”

Benjamin Lowy Photography: